May 23-26
Campers: Youth participating in the Song Festival, 14 years of age and older
Primary Language: Lithuanian
Requirements: Participating in the Song Festival
Throughout the weekend participants will take part in intensive and energizing rehearsals with the festival's artistic directors and youth choir directors. In the evenings participants will take part in campfires and other engaging camp activities.
Registration will open after the New Year.
In the meantime, don’t forget to practice at home by clicking the button below.

June 30 - July 6
Campers: Families and adults of all ages
Primary Language: Lithuanian
Requirements: N/A
Sendraugių Ateitininkų stovykla is a Lithuanian Catholic Youth Federation „Ateitis“ adult and family camp. This camp is for Lithuanian speaking „Ateitis“ Federation members, adults, and families. We welcome all inquiries and our focus is Christ centered and we strive to “renew all things in Christ” which is our motto. Please inquire if you are interested in attending our summer camp session.

July 22-27
Campers: Families only; Focused on families with children 0-10 years old
Primary Language: Lithuanian
Requirements: Lithuanian-speaking families with young children
Ateitininkų Šeimų Stovykla is a Catholic faith-based camp for Lithuanian-speaking families. We provide a fun way for young campers and their families to experience the beauty of their Lithuanian heritage through faith, art, sports, nature, workshops, song, dance, language, drama and prayerful reflection. This camp gives families the opportunity to strengthen the bonds between family members as well as with other young Lithuanian-speaking families around the country.

Campers: 18+ years old; Families welcome
Primary Language: Lithuanian & English, for those taking Lithuanian language courses
Requirements: N/A
The Lithuanian Educational Council of the USA is part of the Lithuanian American Community, Inc., and provides support for Lithuanian heritage schools. The mission of the Lithuanian Educational Council of USA (LEC) is to help Lithuanian heritage schools in the USA create and maintain a nurturing environment for children and adults of Lithuanian expatriates and immigrants wherein they learn to love Lithuania and be proud of their heritage. Students, with the guidance of dedicated teachers, learn not only the written and spoken Lithuanian language, but also its history, geography, and culture.

Campers: Families participating in AlatÄ—ja charitable organization
Primary Language: Lithuanian
Requirements: Preferred acceptance for AlatÄ—ja organization members; non-members accepted, space permitting
AlatÄ—ja’s camp is a family friendly camp. We provide a fun way for all campers to experience the beauty of our Lithuanian heritage through sports, nature, song, dance, language, drama and reflection.
July 6-13
Campers: 8-14 years old
Primary Language: Lithuanian
Requirements: Preferred acceptance given JAS members; non-members also
accepted, space permitting.
Jaunųjų Ateitininkų Sąjungos Stovykla brings together young Atetininkai and provides them an opportunity to build friendships and celebrate their heritage in a Lithuanian, Catholic environment.

July 27 - August 3
Campers: 8-17 years old
Primary Language: English
Requirements: Campers of Lithuanian descent
Lithuanian Heritage Camp is a Catholic faith-based camp. We provide a fun way for campers to experience the beauty of their Lithuanian heritage through faith, art, sports, nature, workshops, song, dance, language, drama and prayerful reflection.

June 18-25
Campers: 7-17 years old; Accepts families with children <6 years old
Primary Language: Lithuanian
Requirements: N/A
Lithuanian Scout camp provides young people of Lithuanian heritage a scouting experience focusing on the ideals of leadership, citizenship, connection to nature and personal growth in their scouting life. Camping in a tent for the week, eating outdoors, hiking, bonfires and nature-based activities are provided to teach the fundamentals of survival, living an active lifestyle, developing character and implementing good citizenship. Lithuanian customs and traditions are interwoven into programming through song, dance, evening programs and individual group activities. Lithuanian scouting joins brothers and sisters from around the world in one common mission - to love and honor God, country and neighbor.

July 13-22
Campers: Grades 9-12
Primary Language: Lithuanian
Requirements: Preferred acceptance given to MAS members ; non-members also accepted, space permitting.
Moksleivių Ateitininkų Summer and Winter Camps (Žiemos Kursai) are Catholic faith-based camps for Lithuanian-speaking teens in grades 9-12 that emphasize a relationship with God and neighbor, and foster a conscious love of one’s faith, family, community and homeland by providing opportunities for engaging their curiosity, creativity, and intellect. Through various activities including workshops, the fine arts, service, outdoor activities, lectures, discussions, games, song and prayerful reflection, teens develop leadership skills and form relationships connecting them with other Catholic Lithuanian teens from around the country.